Formation - transformation of the heart one step at a time…

The belief of our Community is that we are "transformed at the hands of Christ." It is not say that we are transformed through our own efforts. We do violence to ourselves when we think our plan for spiritual growth is preferred to the Holy Spirit's plan for us. Our moment by moment task is to step outside of ourselves, to become honest Observers of our thoughts, words, and deeds. When we do this, we bring the Light of Christ to our hearts, increase in awareness and understanding, and nurture our love and compassion. Spiritual growth is often more a process of subtraction than it is addition. This is “metanoia,” moving from an egoic mind to more of a unitive, or mystic, mind.



Life can be complicated with many choices. What is the meaning of life? Who am i? Where am I going? Discernment is a time to determine if monasticism, and this Community, are right for you. During this time, you learn the story of the Community, and share your story with the Community. If a continued relationship with the Community is foreseen, you may be invited to enter the Postulancy after completing the discernment activities. The Postulancy is a bridge to the Novitiate.



Novices work with a Formation Guide and follow a specific plan that includes being involved in community interaction, building their lives around the Community’s values, and shaping their own Personal Rule of Life. At the end of this time, if they and the Council feel that a continued association with the Community would be blessed, Novices may ask for full commitment (Profession) to the Community.



Professed Members of the Community have found a home with us. They may take a religious name, use the title “Brother” or “Sister” and will have voting rights on issues affecting the general welfare of the Community. All members continually strive to be responsive to the needs of others, pray for each other and for God's grace for the Community, and work to incorporate the Community’s values into their lives. Formation continues!


Spiritual guides and teachers should provide you with various methods and tools to help you to reach a place where you and God can share the same space in an experiential relationship. Experience with God and Christ through the Holy Spirit is the ultimate relationship builder and is necessary for personal transformation. As we gradually dissolve our dysfunctional false self, there is more room for God to work His transformation in us.